However, if you want to hark back to the old days, you can always change the music and sound effects for menus and the like, which we’ve got a handy guide on how to do here. Sadly, Capcom hasn’t included the ability to return back to the fixed camera setting that made the original release so darn atmospheric. It’ll follow your character from just over their shoulder for the most part, but you’ll be free to gaze around your entire surroundings to ensure you’re not missing any pesky hidden items in the corner of a room. Players are able to move the camera around as much as they would in the likes of the latest Tomb Raider, Uncharted, or Gears of War games to name a few. As part of the remake treatment, Capcom has opted to transition from these fixed camera angles and instead used a third-person camera angle instead. Resident Evil 2’s remake on Xbox One, PS4, and PC doesn’t have a fixed camera setting. Sadly, we’ve got some bad news for you this time around. As such, some players may be wondering if there is a fixed camera setting in Resident Evil 2. Not only did you get artsy angles of the various areas of Raccoon City Police Department, but it also added to the suspense.

If you’ve played the original Resident Evil 2 from way back in 1998, you’ll know that its fixed camera was what made it so iconic. Is There a Fixed Camera Setting in Resident Evil 2? Answered